Finding An Onto-Epistemological Basis For HumanCoexistence In Ibn ‘Arabi’s Sufism: Toward A Compassionate Ethics
International Conference on Islamic Philosophy (ICIPh) 2019
Hadi Kharisman
Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Islam (STFI) Sadra, Jakarta
The article departs from my concern of the human faded affection to each other, the wining appreciation of fair and civilized humanity in the increased hatred, exclusive attitude and violence among human. This concern increases by the fact that religions, especially Islam, are frequently become scapegoats of many violence. Unfortunately, the fact that some of religions’ adherents understand religion reductively—only exoterically, as the implementation of the faith and of obligatory values in a mere formal aspect with lack of spiritual con-science and with alienated awareness from the reality and humanity—and promoting violence in the name of religion takes the impression as if it is true. In this context, religiosity has been exhibited in a dehumanized attitude—that may justify horizontal destructions, hatred dissemination to ‘the other’, terror acts as sacred with the use of religious symbols and threatens our global society— instead of in their conciliatory and compassionate positions that supports a human coexistence.
In this regard, how much clear the availability of ethical norms in religion doctrinally advocating a compassionate coexistence is, it in turn will take in biased standpoint in lack of spiritual esoteric understanding, as can be seen that some of religious groups identified their violent propagandas in reference to religious normative teachings. The adequate standpoint is required in the process of understanding religion. It should come from the deep aspects of religion itself, one of which is esoteric or spiritual aspect; and it should echo the true characteristic of religion, as the universal mercy for all.
This topic is an inquiry on the possibility of the onto-epistemological as well as ontotheological basis on which we may draw the compassionate vision for human coexistence its ethical implications. In this regard, I prefer to take it from Ibn ‘Arabi’s doctrines as he is one of the great scholars in Islamic Mysticism, that widely known as a tradition that intensively promotes an inclusive spirituality. The focus of this topic does not deal much with the ethics in its normative sense, but it deals with the study of some esoteric-philosophical foundations that relevant as the underlying worldview for certain ethical standpoint.
Keywords: Tawhîd, Being, relationality, openness, coexistence, compassion, care, extremism, global societ.
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