Wardah Al-Katiri, Ph.D
Data diri
Nama lengkap Wardah Alkatiri. Lahir di Surabaya, 20 mei 1967. Menikah Mochamad Tafif Djoenaedi.
PhD in Sociology, the University of Canterbury, New Zealand (2016). Postgraduate diploma in Social Sciences, the Department of Environment, Society and Design, Lincoln University, New Zealand (2010). Masters in Islamic Mysticism, Islamic College for Advanced Studies, ICAS International Institute of Philosophy, Jakarta, Indonesia (2008). Tesis: Unitive Man (Insan Tawhidi – the Spiritual Anthropology of Islam) and Education for Talented Individuals. Bachelor of science in Chemical Engineering, Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya (ITS), Indonesia, (1990). Disertasi doktoral, Muhammad’s Nation is Called: The Potential for Endogenous Relocalisation in Muslim Communities in Indonesia.
Karya Penelitian:
1.“Desperately Seeking Unity: A Postmodern Critique”, was accepted for the 3rd International Conference on Thoughts on Human Sciences in Islam, November, 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia.
2. “Sustainability Literacy: Some Challenges in Education in Developing Countries” in 9th ICAPA, 2016 (International Congress of Asian Philosophical Association) conference on Decolonization, Education, Arts & Humanities: and Higher Education Leadership in the Asian Community, July 20-24, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The paper will be included in IJAPA (International Journal of Asian Philosophical Association) issue September, 2016.
3. “Contesting Human Dignity: Traditionalist, Reformist, Modernist Islam in Indonesia” is being reviewed for edited book “The Quest for Humanity – Contemporary Muslim approaches to the notion of human dignity in the context of Qurʾānic anthropology”, by Rudiger Braun and Huseyin I. Cicek, Erlangen Centre for Islam and Law in Europe, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
4. “The Winner Couldn’t Take It All – An Alternative Development in the Global South by Indonesian Muslim communities” was accepted in IUAES conference (the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences) on Alternative or Imagined Development(s)? Exploring the Gap between Theory and Practices of Governance in the Global South: Actors, Dynamics and Resistances, in Dubrovnik, Croatia, on May 4-9, 2016.
5. “Theorizing Muhammad’s Nation. For a New Concept of Muslim in a Changing Global Environment” will be included in special issue of ‘Islam and Social Contract’ in Comparative Islamic Studies, Equinox, 2016.
6. “A Matter of Faith, a Matter of Meaning. The Need of Epistemological Pluralism”, in University of Waikato Islamic Studies Conference: Islam and its Relations with Others, 11-12 November, 2015, Hamilton, New Zealand. The paper was recommended by the Chair of the conference to the journal Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations (Routledge/Taylor & Francis)
7. Tesis: “Muhammad’s Nation is Called. The Potential for Endogenous Relocalisation in Muslim Communities in Indonesia”, in the 2nd International Conference on Thoughts on Human Sciences in Islam, 18-19 November, 2015, Jakarta, Indonesia.
8. “When the World is Flat. Islamic Universalism and Environmental Contract” in the panel: ‘Islam and Social Contract’, in EASR (European Association of the Study of Religion) conference “Religion and Pluralities of Knowledge”, 11-15 May 2014, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
Aktifis sosial dan lingkungan. Tahun 1998 mendirikan ‘AMANI. AMANI adalah (eco-socio entrepreneurship’, a not-for-profit organization that aims to promote sustainability through the use of entrepreneurial creativities as instrument to support the activities that we believe are socially and environmentally responsible).
The activities of AMANI include promoting sustainable agriculture in Indonesian rural communities and ecological life-ways among the Indonesian urbanites.
Fokus Penelitian
Penelitian di bidang Sosial Sains/lingkungan.
Third World Poverty and Socio-Ecological Issues, Resilient and sustainable community development by Muslims, Sustainability-literacy education for the Madrasa (Islamic school) and Pesantren (traditional Islamic institute in Indonesia), Grass-root Islamic economic movement Socio-ecological entrepreneurship and Islamic business ethos
Penelitian dalam ilmu Humaniora
Islamic epistemology, Islamic ontology and Reconstruction of Knowledge, Sociology of Islam and Muslim Societie, Religion and Ecology, Qualitative Research Methods, including Hermeneutics.